Where I'm At 7/06/2007 08:33:00 PM

Professionally, things have not exactly gone as planned... I had wanted to start mid-year residency training at a local hospital, but the wait and uncertainty has taken it's toll. Finally, this morning, I texted (sent an SMS to) the chief resident and stated that I have decided to go "moonlighting" (our slang for working as a general practitioner at any hospital or clinic, with no security of tenure) for the next few months and start pre-residency in December, like the rest of the medical world... He just texted back that it was OK and that he'll try to save that spot for me... Nevertheless, I think I'll go ahead and pass my application at another hospital.
Now that it's settled, I passed my application to two health care clinics, and with some luck, I may hopefully be accepted by one, or both (you can always moonlight in one clinic in the morning and the other clinic in the afternoon, or be on duty in different hospitals at different days...). Wish me luck, and do keep me in your prayers!
My other concern, Banilad Study Center's official newsletter, FOCUS is finally at the printers!!!I'm expecting to get the draft print by tomorrow and 500 copies by late next week! Hooray!

1 other thoughts:

Anonymous said...

Good luck!