TBR v.2 Round-up: All I Needed to Know, I learned in Kindergarten (or Nursery, or Pre-School) ... 6/14/2010 03:00:00 PM

Alright, class! Place your cursors over the underlined phrases and click on the corresponding links!
Here's the latest in a cornucopia of memories in The Blog Rounds v.2's Back-to-School Edition:
Gigi gives us a few acting tips as she recalls her time to shine on stage.
Sonia reminisces on her kindergarten teacher, classmates and "accidents" way back in the second year of kindergarten.
J.A.(yours truly! ) travelled back to her days of informal schooling at the school owner's own home.
Thanks for the participation, everyone! Here's to looking forward to more entries in TBR v.2 round-ups to come!

4 other thoughts:

gigi said...

thank you :) pity, there are only a few of us :(

J.A. said...

Yup, too bad...
I guess everyone was busy with the start of classes...

Bonedoc said...

My apologies to both of you, Gigi and JA...

i hope I can make up for the lost time with you guys and the blog rounds...

I envy both of you for your eagerness to write. Please continue to do so...

Again, Thanks for keeping this blog rounds alive...

J.A. said...

It's ok, Doc Remo. :)
I've been sort of busy, too... But blogging is still one of my recreations after a tiring day's work. :)