rAdIoLoGy NoTeS 28: Hostia Mania | 6/03/2010 07:00:00 PM |
After chancing upon the on-duty radologic technologists leaving their area in order to have a meal together for the umpteenth time, the chief radiologic technologist had decided to feed his beloved staff some pieces of unleavened bread. These happened to be discards from the host-making process, given to the techs in the hope that they would be "transformed into angels" (roughly translated from-> "ma-anghelan unta"). This lead to a widespread, inevitable attack of the munchies for all the department staff (radtech interns, medical interns and radiology residents included). Variations included dipping the fine morsels in peanut butter. Discussions on the virtue of picking out the smaller melt-in-your-mouth pieces to the wider slabs worth a couple of mouthsful and the merits of some heavenly sprinkling of barbecue or cheese-flavored powder ensued. Needless, to say, the unblessed host seems to have no significant effect on the staff as demonstrated in the following photographs:
There was half a plastic bag-full of stale left-over pieces left during my last hospital duty which I promptly took home for my mother to make some bread pudding from.
1 other thoughts:
The bread pudding from the left-over host was yummy!
Didn't bring even a slice to the hospital though... don't want any "take-outs" to happen...
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