Currently in the Process... | 9/29/2007 06:59:00 PM |
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I had a written exam for my application for residency at one hospital, and interviews for the same hospital the following day. I ended up being shortlisted, and asked to go on duty for the week at their radiology department, along with two other applicants. I chose to go on duty October 1st to 7th, but so far, have not yet received confirmation for the duty week.
The following day, I had my interviews at the second hospital I had applied for, and ended up being accepted "unofficially". As far as I know, I was the only one interviewed. The department chairman and the training officer of the radiology department already know me, and the chief resident knows me as well. I'll be waiting for confirmation on when I'll begin pre-residency training (probably mid-November to mid-December per suggestion of the incoming 3rd year resident, who also knows me and whom I used to bug to give preliminary readings for my assigned patients' x-rays and scans in the middle of the night!).
Thus, that's where I currently stand. Though, I'm planning to have a hands- on look at the training in the first hospital, I'm definitely going to do my residency at the second hospital, for several reasons (...a very short walk from home, staff and training program already familiar to me, a chance to meet younger students and influence them positively somehow since will also have a chance to give lectures at the College of Medicine, probably even the College of Allied Medicine to radiologic technology students...).
I'm already looking forward to the next four years of my life, although I won't deny that I have my usual mixed feelings of anxiety and excitement...
Back to Reality! | 9/20/2007 05:52:00 PM |
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Just got back today, and it's back to reality basically... I mean, the past two weeks of study, classes, readings, prayer, outings, get-togethers, sports, exercise, camaderie etc. is great, but it's not the real world. So, I'm glad to be home, in time for Jen-jen's ( youngest sis) 14th birthday... And I have an exam, among other things for my radiology residency applications
... So a bit of studying is in order!
As an aside, I had loads of fun on my 27th birthday lat Sept 7 during the seminar. I got my chocolate cake
and to finally (finally!) see Lord of the Rings: Return of the King straight!
I'm currently reading through the whole series and I hope to finish before pre-residency in December.
A Change of Plans | 9/04/2007 09:12:00 AM |
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I'll be off again in another few days to a two week seminar. And all the while I thought I'll be out in mid-November yet! Oh, well... I had to have the flexibility to adjust my schedule...
Nowadays I'm practically running around trying to get all my papers ready for my residency applications before I go off again! And I just found out a secretary lost all my papers (previously passed in May), so I had to reproduce the copies, and she plans to explain why the rest are missing. I think its more amusing than annoying. Age related forgetfulness!
I'll be celebrating my birthday there on the 7th. I'm turning 27, and 3 more years until I swear off the sweets to at the least delay the onset of diabetes mellitus (diabetes is a maternal heredo-familial disease for me.). I'm definitely going to make sure my cake will be chocolate.
Will probably be incommunicado through email and the net during the whole time. Will be back on the 20th, also the birthday of my youngest sister, and a good friend.